Have you seen your friend on social media with a photo of her tattoo? Have you noticed the eyebrow tattoo craze in beauty salons? Are you planning to have one? Have you ever considered the distinctions between regular and cosmetic tattoos? If these are your questions on your mind right now, you’ve arrived in the right place.
Sure, tattoos are still popular today. Individuals seek attractive designs to put on their bodies and decide which parts of their bodies to tattoo. Tattooing, moreover, is a vast art. It encompasses not just traditional body tattooing but also cosmetic tattooing.

Is Cosmetic Tattooing the same as Body Tattooing?
Have you seen your friend on social media with a photo of her tattoo? Have you noticed the eyebrow tattoo craze in beauty salons? Are you planning to have one? Have you ever considered the distinctions between regular and cosmetic tattoos? If these are your questions on your mind right now, you’ve arrived in the right place.
Sure, tattoos are still popular today. Individuals seek attractive designs to put on their bodies and decide which parts of their bodies to tattoo. Tattooing, moreover, is a vast art. It encompasses not just traditional body tattooing but also cosmetic tattooing.
Are you a little puzzled? Don’t worry. Today, we’ll discuss the similarities and differences between cosmetic and body tattooing.
What is Body Tattooing
Body tattooing, also known as traditional tattooing, is applying ink to the skin’s hypodermis layer (3rd layer) with the help of a needle. A tattoo artist follows a particular design while pressing the needle into your skin.
This art has become a tattoo aesthetic that almost everyone has adopted. While it is now a fad, there are still age limits on when it is permissible to have a body tattoo. Body tattooing can also be done on any body area, as the term implies.
What is Cosmetic Tattooing
Cosmetic tattooing is a different art form that uses pigment and needles. A tattoo artist uses needles to penetrate the skin’s first layer (epidermis) and just hit the second layer (dermis) of the skin. As a result, they are just semi-permanent tattoos. It also seeks to bring out the best parts of a person’s face, such as the eyebrows, lips, and eyes. So, there is no visual design or style to follow. Instead, it turns one’s insecurities into an asset.
Cosmetic tattooing isn’t painful like body tattooing. Anesthetic cream is used so there is minimal to zero pain depending on what cream that particular cosmetic tattooist is using.
Cosmetic Tattoo vs. Body Tattoo
Therefore, based on the previous explanations, we may infer that a body tattoo is a permanent tattoo and a cosmetic tattoo is a semi-permanent tattoo. However, there is still much to learn about these differences. Let’s look at the difference between permanent and semi-permanent tattoos in detail.
- Healing Period
Body tattooing and cosmetic tattooing have different recovery times depending on the person. If you have sensitive skin, it might linger much longer than usual. Also, if the aftercare is inadequate, it will significantly show through the healing process.
A body tattoo typically takes 2-3 weeks to heal. In contrast, a cosmetic tattoo takes four weeks, depending on the client’s situation.
- Limitations
Body tattooing and cosmetic tattooing have some similarities in terms of restrictions. Firstly, tattooing is not suggested for pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is due to the risks it can give to both the mother and the baby. Second, those with medical conditions are discouraged from getting tattoos since the needle contains substances.
As a result, it may not be beneficial to the health of someone whose wellness is already compromised. Finally, while certain jurisdictions and nations have legalized tattooing, it is reasonable to assume that the legal age to begin getting a tattoo is 18 years old.
Remember that all tattoos, whether body or cosmetic, are medical treatments. Therefore, all must strictly observe limitations and restrictions.
- Rate
Although the two procedures have the same goal of applying ink to the skin’s layers, the prices differ significantly due to the procedure’s difficulty. In Australia, a tattoo might cost anything from $150 to $1500(for large tattoos). On the other hand, the price of eyebrow tattooing may start at $650.
Because the abilities required of a body tattooist differ from those required of a cosmetic tattooist, you can perceive the pricing differences. A cosmetic tattoo artist’s job is to enhance, improve, and beautify a specific portion of the face while maintaining its natural appearance. As a result, a highly meticulous technique is required. Similar to the method, the devices and tools employed vary as well.
- Tools used
When it comes to tools, the equipment and ink used in body tattooing differs from that used in cosmetic tattooing. Please do not see a professional tattooist for cosmetic tattooing, it is completely different in the expertise. The body tattooing is done with a body tattoo gun. This is utilized to permanently penetrate the skin’s dermis and keep the tattoo in place. Also, they use an ink in relation to cosmetic tattooing that uses a semi-permanent pigment.
Cosmetic tattoos, on the other hand, employ different technology. It’s referred to as a cosmetic device. Because the skin on our faces is more delicate than any other area of our body, this instrument is utilized to apply the pigment more softly. In addition, because cosmetic tattooing requires an intricate method, a cosmetic device allows the artist to control their hands while using the ink to obtain a natural result.
Summing Up!
Traditional body tattooing differs from cosmetic tattooing. They significantly differ from the technique to the tools used. If you ever want a tattoo, you need to first pick which tattoo method you want. A body tattoo is a great way to make art on your body. However, if you’re going to improve your facial features, consider getting a cosmetic tattoo.
We offer other services like: Eyebrow Tattoo Mackay, Lip Tattoo Mackay, Eyeliner Tattoo Mackay.