Scalp micropigmentation (cosmetic tattooing of the scalp) is the perfect solution to a wide range of concerns and is used effectively for scar camouflage and pattern baldness.
Receding hairline?
A scalp micropigmentation gives patients a chance to restore the natural appearance of hair follicles that are breaking through the scalp without resorting to more invasive treatments, such as hair transplants. Although it does not cause hair to grow back naturally, it effectively improves the appearance of baldheads by mimicking the appearance of shaved hair or bringing receding hairlines forward.
The procedure can be performed on both men and women. Statistics show that up to 65% of men will suffer from noticeable hair loss by the age of 60 and 70% by the age of 80. On the other hand, up to 80% of women over the age of 60 will experience noticeable balding.
Is SMP for me?
Scalp Micropigmentation is an option in the following situations:
Scalp Scarring from any cause. The ink is applied throughout the scar as well as above and below the scar to blend into the surrounding hairs.
Men who have extensive balding and have insufficient donor hairs to provide an adequate transplanted result. These men can achieve a natural buzz-cut result.

Men and women who have previously had hair transplant surgery but still cannot achieve the required “visual density”.
Hair loss
Hair loss with early thinning who don’t need hair transplantation. Shading of the scalp using SMP improves coverage in mildly thinning areas.